Francesco Miceli
wandering engineer
- Hamburg - DE
- (34) 671-305-786
- Email
Right here, right now
- Grazia
- Married
- 3 - all boys
- Civil Engineer
- Bass Guitar
- Love
- 2001
- Ruta 40
- Espresso Macchiato
- Rioja
- South East Asia
- Hate
In a nutshell
- 1978 - Saw the light somewhere near Venice.
- 2007 - Leaves his homeland.
- 2012 - Expand the family.
- 2014 - Expand the family again.
- 2017 - Expand the family for the third time.
Bucket list
- Earn a second degree in Economics
- Build a family
- Play again the bass guitar in a band
- Take a sabbatical (yes, I am doing it NOW!)
- Sleep 8 hours each day
- Visit 4 new countries every year
- Run a marathon
- Complete an olympic Triathlon
- Own a Black Lotus
- Improve my German
- Start a company and sell it
- Start a BIG company and sell it